Whitebridge Primary School
Loughton, Essex

4th year
Class of 1962

Jean Coote (nee Brown)

Sadly, we lost Jean in the late summer of 2022, she'd been battling a lung condition for quite a while. Doubtless we will remember Jean from our early school days as a real live-wire, a chatty and cheerful girl. Many of us spent our entire school days with her as we negotiated our way through Whitebridge infants, then juniors, then at the Brook school in Loughton. We hope to put together a short biography of Jean's life but her family and close friends will need this time for their sadness. Until then, here's Jean with some of her close family.

Jean Brown

Jean and husband John

Jean Brown

(Left to right) Daughter Jo and partner Danny - Jean - Husband John - Son Steven - Son Danny & wife Jessica - Steven's partner Sam