Whitebridge Primary School
Loughton, Essex

4th year
Class of 1962

Chris Gowlett

Chris Gowlett

Chris in 2022 with great grand-daughter Erin. Yep! Congratulations to our Chris who is now a great-grandmother, has been since Erin was born on 3rd October 2021.
Anyone else?

Chris Gowlett

Here's our Chris in spring 2022, in front of her new business premises near St Leonards/Hastings. It's called 'The Happy Place' and is filled with all that good stuff that you'd spend stressful hours searching for, at those times when a nice gift is needed. She has buisness a facebook page located at The happy place . it's great to see some of our group still have bags of energy!

Chris Gowlett

My brother at Kirby Close.

Chris Gowlett

A view up the alley at Kirby Close.

Chris Gowlett

School pic.

Chris Gowlett

Kirby Close

Chris Gowlett

Last year at the Brook

Chris Gowlett

Outside 19, Kirby Close.

Chris Gowlett

From the back of our house towards valley Way & the shops.

Chris Gowlett

Me in my Whitebridge school uniform.

Chris Gowlett

Dear old friend Susan Merrick (left) brides-maiding at my wedding.